What is Hara?

The meaning of this ancient word is as diverse as it is profound.

In Sanskrit, Hara means removing, taking away and destroyer, which ultimately is a representation of Lord Shiva.

In Hindi, Hara represents the color of green, which is connected with the heart chakra - Anahata.

In Chinese, we understand Hara as the navel: The Source of Life and The Gate of the Spirit.

In Japanese, Hara means one's true nature; who one truly is as a human being. When we remember our true nature then we are completely open and at ease with ourselves and speak the truth.

In Yogic philosophy, Hara is an energy healing technique to align our ego self with the intentions of our Higher Self – in other words, our soul purpose.

In Buddhism, Hara can be seen as the unification of a person's physical, psychological and spiritual dimensions.

For us, taking all of this into consideration - we believe that Hara encompasses all qualities we choose to reflect with our offerings of Holistic Education.


Removing ignorance through education. Destroying illusion.

Teaching and sharing from our heart center.

Remembering our true nature and speaking our truth.

Honouring the source of life and the Gateway to Spirit.

Sharing our souls purpose.

Offering teachings for the purpose of unification of mind, body & spirit.

Welcome to

Hara Holistic Education.

We are so glad you have joined us.

The Hara Method®️

  • Learning

    We hold the vision that everyone is born with a unique set of skills and abilities . It is our dharma, our divine life purpose, to cultivate our abilities and share them with others. It is our divine mission that we live in service. We are honored to share this sacred work in a supportive and professional environment. Through comprehensive learning systems, you will be empowered to move into a space of service with confidence and grace.

  • Sharing

    We offer fully certified professional programs in ayurveda, body therapies, breathwork, yoga, energy work and reflexology. Our mission is to prepare you on a personal level first, so you may work from a clear vessel. You will be able to embody these timeless traditional therapies fully - then joyfully share them with others.

  • Growing

    Life is about continual growth and expansion. Choosing to share this work with others as a profession or choosing to learn simply for yourself and your own development is a rewarding path. Your journey of self awareness and learning can continue beyond your personal development and professional trainings with our Weekend FUNdamental Courses, Personal Retreats and Continuing Education Courses.

Sue Manning

As co-founder and Lead Educator of Hara Holistic Education, Sue Manning brings a depth of knowledge in our core classes of Anatomy & Physiology, Professional Essentials, as well as Traditional Ayurvedic Yoga & Philosophy. She has a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts & Masters of Nursing.

Siobhan O’Sullivan

As the Visionary and Lead Educator of Hara Holistic Education, Siobhan offers a specialized focus on holistic modalities. Having trained with world leaders in holistic health, she is a registered Natural Health Practitioner of Canada, Healing Touch Practitioner, Master Reflexologist, Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Heal Your Life - Coach, Certified Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Trainer with Transformational Breath.