Hara®️ Ayurvedic Energy Practitioner:

During this 300 hour - hands on program, students will learn the history, theory and practical skills of Hara Energy Therapy. You will learn specialized techniques of this gentle hands on therapy including reading biofield energy, expanding energy fields, clearing stagnation in the mind and body, accessing your intuition, working with gentle acupressure, sound healing, biofield tuning with tools, pranic healing and so much more.

This training is limited to 12 students per class for exceptional training and teacher: student ratio.

This course runs twice each calendar year and training weeks can be interchanged for your learning flexibility.

Approximately 150 hours will be offered outside of the classroom included in your study, internship and practicum.

300 hour certification tuition: $3600.00

Hara®️ Ayurvedic Therapist:

During this 300 hour - hands on program, students will learn the history, theory and practical skills of Hara Ayurvedic Therapies. You will learn specialized techniques in traditional Ayurvedic Therapies which are deeply relaxing and nourishing to the mind an body. Confidently learn the timeless healing modalities of:

Ayurvedic Shiroabhyanga (head & face massage)

Ayurvedic Abhyanga (warm oil massage)

Svedana (steam therapy)

Pinda Sweda (herbal detox)

Shirodhara (psycho-spiritual massage)

This training is limited to 12 students per class for exceptional training and teacher: student ratio.

This course runs twice each calendar year and training weeks can be interchanged for your learning flexibility.

A minimum of 50 hours will be offered outside of the classroom as part of your internship and practicum.

300 hour certification tuition: $3600.00

Hara®️ Ayurvedic Reflexologist:

During this 300 hour - hands on program, students will learn the history of reflexology, biomechanics of the foot, understand foot disorders, reflex points in relation to the associated organs and the nervous system. You will confidently be able to offer Ayurvedic foot massage and herbal remedy to balance your clients dosha and so much more.

This training is limited to 12 students per class for exceptional training and teacher: student ratio.

This course runs twice each calendar year and training weeks can be interchanged for your learning flexibility.

A minimum of 50 hours will be offered outside of the classroom as part of your internship and practicum.

300 hour certification tuition: $3600.00

Hara®️ Yoga Teacher Training:

During this 200 hour - in person program, students will learn traditional Ayurvedic asanas and theory of Yoga in a beautiful and gentle space of personal healing and professional certification.

Through the lens of ayurveda, you will confidently be able to lead a balanced and therapeutic class to authentically represent the union of yoga.

This training is limited to 12 students per class for exceptional training and teacher: student ratio.

This course runs twice each calendar year and training weeks can be interchanged for your learning flexibility.

200 hour certification tuition: $3600.00

Hara®️ Advanced Ayurvedic Therapist:

During this 300 hour - hands on program, students will experience a deep immersion of the timeless teachings of Ayurveda with detailed understanding of body systems, doshas, marma therapy and the psychology of Ayurveda.

This is an advanced training program for graduates of Hara Holistic Education - Ayurvedic Therapist program.

This training is limited to 12 students per class for exceptional training and teacher: student ratio.

This course will run beginning 2025 to allow for completion of pre-requisite courses.

300 hour certification tuition: $5200.00

Pre-Requisite Course: Hara Ayurvedic Therapist

Hara®️ Holistic Education is pleased to offer the work of Dr. Judith Kravitz’s Transformational Breath®️.

Transformational Breath is the longest standing breathwork school in the world, spanning over 45 years and is offered throughout the world in over 54 countries.

Become a leader in the breathwork community, standing at the top of your field - as a Certified Transformational Breath Facilitator.

Trainings offered throughout the year with Levels 1-3 offered every January & July.

Level 4 Trainings to follow each seminar.

Contact us for registration and tuition.

Frequently Asked Questions…


Q: Are you a Healthcare Professional who has already completed a comprehensive Anatomy & Physiology and/or Professional Standards Program?

A: We offer a $500.00 professional discount for students who have completed this program from other accredited institutions*. No need to retake it, but a refresher course is always available for you…if you choose!

*must be approved by faculty administration

Q: What else will you need to begin your Certification Program?

A: All classes with expert instruction and learning materials will be provided for you. *Additional textbooks, ayurvedic supplies and practitioner uniform (for clinical internships) - may be required for your specialization training.

Our admissions department will be able to help you acquire everything you need from our onsite Ayurvedic Shop & Book Store.

Loyalty Matters…

As our way of saying thank you for your loyalty, Hara Holistic Education offers discounts for enrollment in multiple programs including comprehensive training programs and FUNdamental Workshops.

Please speak to our admissions department for more details and to obtain your discount.

We recognize your commitment to your learning process by continuing your educational journey with us.

At Hara Holistic Education, professional development is aligned with great personal awareness and spiritual growth.

We honor your commitment to ongoing learning, personal development, spiritual health and being of service to others.

We are pleased to offer certification acknowledgement to commemorate your achievements.

With your continued study and successful completion, you will earn the professional designation of:

  • Hara Certified Holistic Therapist (with one program)

  • Hara Advanced Holistic Therapist (with two programs)

  • Hara Master Holistic Therapist (with three programs)

  • Hara Ayurvedic Specialist (with completion of all 4 programs)

  • Hara Ayurvedic Yoga Teacher (with yoga program only)

    *Transformational Breath is a separate certification process and equally recognized in levels of achievement.

Q: Do you have more questions or would you like to speak to someone about enrollment to begin your professional training?

A: Please reach out. We will be more than happy to lend a hand. How can we help?


All Prices in Canadian Dollars (CAD)and are subject to Federal Sales Tax (GST). Please speak to us about personalized payment plans.

Hara Holistic Education is honored to offer:

A Scholarship Program to one exceptional student annually.